Famous Quotes from Richelle E. Goodrich

Richelle E. Goodrich quote #111 from Eena

Dont simply exist in this world but grasp lifes potential by the jacket. Dare it to be all it can. Make life historicala gripping account of accomplishment. Make life a mysterya challenging bold adventure. Make life heartfeltan enduring poetic romance. Whatever it is you make of your world live the fairytale.
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Richelle E. Goodrich quote #86 from Dandelions: The Disappearance of Annabelle Fancher

Gavin I cant talk to you here. People will call me crazy.My imaginary friend smirked. But youre already talking to me.Well I have to stop.His smirk grew cocky. I doubt you can resist.And he was right. There was nothing I wanted more than to give my full attention to an imagined shadow and ignore those who ignored me in the real world. I wanted to talk out loud to Gavinto play and laugh boisterously with him. In a dream I could justify such behavior but to succumb to hallucinations while wide awake would only prove me insane.
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