Famous Quotes about action

Gisela Hausmann "Naked Determination 41 Stories About Overcoming Fear" famous quote #140

If I would not do something right now I would never get to live my dreams in waiting.
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T.F. Hodge quote #193 from From Within I Rise: Spiritual Triumph Over Death and Conscious Encounters with "The Divine Presence"

If you have a dream keep it. But write it down and take appropriate actions to see it manifest.
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Steve Maraboli quote #10 from Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

While spirituality provides an efficient and endless fuel for your mind and body you must burn that fuel with human action towards your goals dreams and desires.
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Steve Maraboli quote #85 from Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

You have had a dream for so many years. Let today be the day you make a plan for it. Just think about how much more likely you are to hit your target when you finally aim at it.
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Steve Maraboli quote #55 from Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

Participate in your dreams today. There are unlimited opportunities available with this new day. Take action on those wonderful dreams youve had in your mind for so long. Remember success is something you experience when you act accordingly.
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