Famous Quotes about cassandra-clare

Cassandra Clare quote #73 from City of Glass

His hands lay flat on either side of him his arms at his sides. He seemed barely to be breathing she wasnt sure she was breathing herself. She slid her own hand across the bedsheet just far enough that their fingers touched-so lightly that she would have probably hardly been aware of it had she been touching anyone but Jace as it was the nerve endings in her fingertips pricked softly as if she were holding them over a low flame. She felt him tense beside her and then relax. He had shut his eyes and his lashes cast fine shadows against the curve of his cheekbones. His mouth curled into a smile as if he sensed her watching him and she wondered how he would look in the morning with his hair messed and sleep circles under his eyes. Despite everything the thought gave her a jolt of happiness.She laced her fingers through his. Good night she whispered. With their hands clasped like children in a fairy tale she fell asleep beside him in the dark.
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Cassandra Clare quote #48 from Clockwork Princess

She leaned forward and caught at his hand pressing it between her own. The touch was like white fire through his veins. He could not feel her skin only the cloth of her gloves and yet it did not matter. You kindled me heap of ashes that I am into fire. He had wondered once why love was always phrased in terms of burning. The conflagration in his own veins now gave the answer.
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