Famous Quotes about dream

Amit Kalantri famous quote #188

If you could stay as stubborn as when you were a child then you need not to compromise on your dreams.
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Israelmore Ayivor quote #168 from The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Go to where ever dreamland you decide on. But go with passion hand-in-hand. You will never be tired on the way
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Amit Kalantri famous quote #157

You can not have empty or neutral mind as long as you work the mind will contain dreams if you stop working it will contain regrets.
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Israelmore Ayivor quote #114 from The Great Hand Book of Quotes

In every dream you pursue you attract its respective version of opposition. Going back will not solve any problem Regrets will not change anything either Feeling of Superiority over every obstacle should be your priority
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Israelmore Ayivor quote #76 from The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Know who you are then you can know where you can be Choose your environment wisely but be sure you know your dreams at first When your dream seeds fall onto the soil with the best environmental factor you will have a bumper harvest
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Ilchi Lee quote #88 from The Call of Sedona: Journey of the Heart

Feel the energy starting with your hands and if you maintain the sensation of being connected to that energy as you pray you can be more deeply immersed in your prayer. The reason is because the entire universe itself is composed of the energy youre feeling with your hands right now. When you maintain that feeling of connection with the universe as you pray for the great hopes and dreams cherished by your soul you are broadcasting your prayer to the entire universe as your audience. If the whole universe is resonating with your dream and working with you to make your dream come true wouldnt that lend great strength to you
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