Famous Quotes about freedom

Karen Blixen quote #60 from Out of Africa

It is when one begins to lose the consciousness of freedom and when the idea of necessity enters the world at all when there is any hurry or strain anywhere a letter to be written or a train to catch when you have got to work to make the horses of the dream gallop or to make the rifles go off that the dream is declining and turning into the nightmare which belongs to the poorest and most vulgar class of dreams.
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Amy Leigh Mercree famous quote #19

Having the life of your dreams is simple make conscious choices.
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Richelle E. Goodrich quote #40 from Eena

You can capture this body of mine take away my freedom and enslave me. You may even have the power to capture my soul and sentence me to the realm of eternal darkness. But my dreams you cannot touch. They are my willthe very essence of who I am. In them I laugh. In them I cry. In them I love. And in them.I live.My dreams are untouchable and unceasing.
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Roman Payne famous quote #157

You must give everything to make your life as beautiful as the dreams that dance in your imagination.
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