Famous Quotes about goals

Steve Maraboli famous quote #166

Others may sit around and wait for magic to happen I like to get up early and work towards my goals and dreams. Every morning I plant the seeds of what the haters call luck. Now I love magic as much as the next guy but I realized a long time ago that the magic that turns dreams into reality is YOU. When you are inspired by a dream create a good plan. Creating that plan turns your dream into a goal. Then take action Live your life in a way that will bring that dream that goal to life. The magic is you.
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Steve Maraboli quote #91 from Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

Stop throwing away days weeks months and years by simply day-dreaming about what you wish your life would be.
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Steve Maraboli quote #13 from Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

Dont choose to walk the well-worn path to regret. Be amongst the few who dare to follow their dreams
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Richelle E. Goodrich quote #164 from Smile Anyway: Quotes

No one stands at the beginning of a race and then finds himself at the end having never taken a step forward. And if that were to happenthe sweat and struggle avoidedwhat stories would he have to tell The goal includes the journey its all part of the dream.
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