Famous Quotes about happiness

Jason Versey quote #125 from A Walk with Prudence

If we want to live perfectly happy lives...we must drive out selfish character tendencies such as pride ego vanity jealousy lusts envy and worry. When we learn to live selflessly putting others before ourselves committing to what is noble right and good treating others with love and compassion...thats when true happiness is experienced. A genuine focus on selflessness cures all and creates an environment for true growth. Its the secret to every great relationship. We gain...when we give up self. Sacrificing ones selfish characteristics through diligent thought meditation prayer and action gives life to true love and abounding joy.Jason Versey
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Steve Maraboli quote #106 from Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

Dont throw away another day No more procrastinating Only YOU can make it happen. So UN-ASS the couch and make it happen
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William Shakespeare quote #115 from Much Ado About Nothing

Theres little of the melancholy element in her my lord she is never sad but when she sleeps and not ever sad then for I have heard my daughter say she hath often dreamt of unhappiness and waked herself with laughing.
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Steve Maraboli quote #102 from Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

Dont let other peoples opinions distort your reality. Be true to yourself. Be bold in pursuing your dreams. Be unapologetically you
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Victor Villaseñor quote #61 from Rain of Gold

And in that moment of sun and joy Lupe knew why she loved and also hated Salvador. He gave her wings. He didnt try to lock her in as had Jaime and the other boys shed known. No she could dream her wildest dreams with him and so she loved him for this but she also hated him because it made her fearful. No one in her family was like this. They were always very cautious.
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