Famous Quotes about honesty

François Fénelon quote #255 from Spiritual Progress

True prayer is only another name for the love of God. Its excellence does not consist in the multitude of our words for our Father knoweth what things we have need of before we ask Him. The true prayer is that of the heart and the heart prays only for what it desires. To pray then is to desire -- but to desire what God would have us desire. He who asks what he does not from the bottom of his heart desire is mistaken in thinking that he prays.
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Jerry Bridges quote #352 from The Pursuit of Holiness

But we need to pray daily for humility and honesty to see these sinful attitudes for that they really are and then for grace and discipline to root them out of our minds and replace them with thoughts pleasing to God.
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Wilson Rawls famous quote #154

I believe a boy can have anything in life that he wants once he starts working for it. The main thing is not to give up. It makes no difference how tough things get just bow your back keep working and put your heart and soul into it. As you go along your way live a good clean life dont hurt anyone or anything and always be honest. It doesnt hurt to pray a little too. If you do all those things-someday youll have your pony and gun. Youll get help when you least expect it.
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David Grossman quote #197 from Her Body Knows

Only now in rhythmic waves was she struck by her stupidity her blindness her estheronautiness and above all her longing the insult of the power of her longing and she knew very well that is was these shortcomings that had made her so eager to interweave in his story the threads of her secret dreams of candor and of painful purifying honesty of a generous togetherness in which everything was possible. For a moment with all that had been spun and stabbed and defiled within her her face took on the expression of a frightened abandoned girl who lunges out to bite who lives unimaginably close to the skins surface ready to be drawn out like a final plan of retreat.
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Herman E. Kittredge quote #22 from Ingersoll: A Biographical Appreciation

England has her Stratford Scotland has her Alloway and America too has her Dresden. For there on August 11 1833 was born the greatest and noblest of the Western World an immense personality -- unique lovable sublime the peerless orator of all time and as true a poet as Nature ever held in tender clasp upon her loving breast and in words coined for the chosen few told of the joys and sorrows hopes dreams and fears of universal life a patriot whose golden words and deathless deeds were worthy of the Great Republic a philanthropist real and genuine a philosopher whose central theme was human love -- who placed the holy hearth of home higher than the altar of any god an iconoclast a builder -- a reformer perfectly poised absolutely honest and as fearless as truth itself -- the most aggressive and formidable foe of superstition -- the most valiant champion of reason -- Robert G. Ingersoll.
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Shannon L. Alder famous quote #49

When someone you love dies you are given the gift of second chances. Their eulogy is a reminder that the living can turn their lives around at any point. Youre not bound by the past that is who you used to be. Youre reminded that your feelings are not who you are but how you felt at that moment. Your bad choices defined you yesterday but they are not who you are today. Your future doesnt have to travel the same path with the same people. You can start over. You dont have to apologize to people that wont listen. You dont have to justify your feelings or actions during a difficult time in your life. You dont have to put up with people that are insecure and want you to fail. All you have to do is walk forward with a positive outlook and trust that God has a plan that is greater than the sorrow you left behind. The people of quality that were meant to be in your life wont need you to explain the beauty of your heart. They already understand what being human is----a roller coaster ride of emotions during rainstorms and sunshine sprinkled with moments when you can almost reach the stars.
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Jarod Kintz quote #43 from We Had A #Dream About You

I had a dream about you. You wondered if there were any more honest men left in the world and so did I because I worked for the government and if there were any honest men left in the world then it was my job to find them and kill them. After I robbed them.
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