Famous Quotes about humility

Charles R. Swindoll quote #354 from Moses: A Man of Selfless Dedication

...goals not bathed in prayer or brought in humility before the Lord turn out to be downright useless. They dont go anywhere. They dont accomplish anything.
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Jerry Bridges quote #352 from The Pursuit of Holiness

But we need to pray daily for humility and honesty to see these sinful attitudes for that they really are and then for grace and discipline to root them out of our minds and replace them with thoughts pleasing to God.
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Flannery O'Connor quote #332 from The Habit of Being: Letters of Flannery O'Connor

Lord I believe help my unbelief... is the most natural and most human and most agonizing prayer in the gospels and I think it is the foundation prayer of faith.
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Angelica Hopes quote #95 from Landscapes of a Heart

Let our heart glow when you pray.Let our souls innermost desire and need flow in silence gratitude and humble petition.Let our daily prayers be a life attitude not only when we are in trouble but never forgetting to include all others who are also in difficulties.There are times prayers cannot change things for us but we grow and change with faith and strength patience and serenity with a heart that extends for others.
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Israelmore Ayivor quote #189 from The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Be humble and set the balls of your dreams rolling till God himself decides what next As for pride allow it to go as a lone ranger
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Israelmore Ayivor quote #46 from The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Never wear pride as the jersey of your dreams. You will miss the goal and lose your dreams if you put on pride
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Bryant McGill quote #196 from Simple Reminders: Inspiration for Living Your Best Life

The keys to health and weight-loss stress reduction sleep deep breathing clean water complete nutrition sunshine walking stretching meditation love community laughter dreams perseverance purpose humility action.
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F. Scott Fitzgerald quote #91 from This Side of Paradise

Amory sorry for them was still not sorry for himself - art politics religion whatever his medium should be he knew he was safe now free from all hysteria - he could accept what was acceptable roam grow rebel sleep deep through many nights...There was no God in his heart he knew his ideas were still in riot there was ever the pain of memory the regret for his lost youth - yet the waters of disillusion had left a deposit on his soul responsibility and a love of life the faint stirring of old ambitions and unrealized dreams...And he could not tell why the struggle was worth while why he had determined to use to the utmost himself and his heritage from the personalities he had passed...He stretched out his arms to the crystalline radiant sky.I know myself he cried but that is all.
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Margot Benary-Isbert famous quote #401

Prayer of an Anonymous AbbessLord thou knowest better than myself that I am growing older and will soon be old. Keep me from becoming too talkative and especially from the unfortunate habit of thinking that I must say something on every subject and at every opportunity.Release me from the idea that I must straighten out other peoples affairs. With my immense treasure of experience and wisdom it seems a pity not to let everybody partake of it. But thou knowest Lord that in the end I will need a few friends.Keep me from the recital of endless details give me wings to get to the point.Grant me the patience to listen to the complaints of others help me to endure them with charity. But seal my lips on my own aches and pains -- they increase with the increasing years and my inclination to recount them is also increasing.I will not ask thee for improved memory only for a little more humility and less self-assurance when my own memory doesnt agree with that of others. Teach me the glorious lesson that occasionally I may be wrong.Keep me reasonably gentle. I do not have the ambition to become a saint -- it is so hard to live with some of them -- but a harsh old person is one of the devils masterpieces.Make me sympathetic without being sentimental helpful but not bossy. Let me discover merits where I had not expected them and talents in people whom I had not thought to possess any. And Lord give me the grace to tell them so.Amen
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