Famous Quotes about imagine

Frederick Buechner quote #188 from Telling the Truth: The Gospel as Tragedy

We werent born yesterday. We are from New York. But we are also from somewhere else. We are from Oz from the Looking-Glass Land from Narnia and from Middle Earth. If with part of ourselves we are men and women of the world and share the sad unbeliefs of the world with a deeper part still the part where our best dreams come from it is as if we were indeed born yesterday or almost yesterday because we are also all of us children still.
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Israelmore Ayivor quote #155 from The Great Hand Book of Quotes

You dont need to sit on a throne before you have the chance to dream you dont have to feel fat meat in-between your molars to become a strategic dreamer. You can be a dreamer once you can think dreams are germinate from imaginations and survive through actions Indecision weakens dreams inaction kills them
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