Famous Quotes about inspirational

Richelle Mead quote #309 from Shadow Kiss

She didnt understand what it was like to be filled with a love so strong that it made your chest achea love you could only feel and not express. Keeping love buried was a lot like keeping anger pent up Id learned. It just ate you up inside until you wanted to scream or kick something.
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Rosamunde Pilcher quote #490 from Wild Mountain Thyme

Marriage isnt a love affair. It isnt even a honeymoon. Its a job. A long hard job at which both partners have to work harder than theyve worked at anything in their lives before. If its a good marriage it changes it evolves but it does on getting better. Ive seen it with my own mother and father. But a bad marriage can dissolve in a welter of resentment and acrimony. Ive seen that too in my own miserable and disastrous attempt at making another person happy. And its never one persons fault. Its the sum total of a thousand little irritations disagreements idiotic details that in a sound alliance would simply be disregarded or forgotten in the healing act of making love. Divorce isnt a cure its a surgical operation even if there are no children to consider.
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Roland Barthes quote #337 from A Lover's Discourse: Fragments

You see the first thing we love is a scene. For love at first sight requires the very sign of its suddenness and of all things it is the scene which seems to be seen best for the first time a curtain parts and what had not yet ever been seen is devoured by the eyes the scene consecrates the object I am going to love. The context is the constellation of elements harmoniously arranged that encompass the experience of the amorous subject...Love at first sight is always spoken in the past tense. The scene is perfectly adapted to this temporal phenomenon distinct abrupt framed it is already a memory the nature of a photograph is not to represent but to memorialize... this scene has all the magnificence of an accident I cannot get over having had this good fortune to meet what matches my desire.The gesture of the amorous embrace seems to fulfill for a time the subjects dream of total union with the loved being The longing for consummation with the other... In this moment everything is suspended time law prohibition nothing is exhausted nothing is wanted all desires are abolished for they seem definitively fulfilled... A moment of affirmation for a certain time though a finite one a deranged interval something has been successful I have been fulfilled all my desires abolished by the plenitude of their satisfaction.
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