Famous Quotes about marriage

Shannon L. Alder famous quote #485

When you settle for anything short of the best life God wants to offer you then you have been tempted to remain safe and the accountability for not changing your life becomes your prison of regret.
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Shannon L. Alder famous quote #170

Never mistake the uncomfortable feeling of insecurity and the fear of the unknown with the Holy Ghosts promptings. Sometimes those feelings are simply Satan keeping you stuck where you are because he knows you will have a half-life there. He knows that you will spend half of your life disconnected discontented and convincing your mind of what its heart will never accept. He knows when you have settled gave up and didnt try. Inaction is his greatest weapon while regret is his second.
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Ann Landers famous quote #71

I have leveled with the girls - from Anchorage to Amarillo.I tell them that all marriages are happyIts the living together afterward thats tough.I tell them that a good marriage is not a giftIts an achievement.that marriage is not for kids It takes guts and maturity.It separates the men from the boys and the women from the girls.I tell them that marriage is tested dily by the ability to compromise.Its survival can depend on being smart enough to know whats worth fighting about.Or making an issue of or even mentioning.Marriage is giving - and more important its forgiving.And it is almost always the wife who must do these things.Then as if that were not enough she must be willing to forget what she forgave.Often that is the hardest part.Oh I have leveled all right.If they dont get my message BusterIts because they dont want to get it.Rose-colored glasses are never made in bifocalsBecause nobody wants to red the small print in dreams.
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Christina G. Hibbert Psy.D. famous quote #259

Maybe this is a second doctoral program advanced learning about life death marriage mothering family faith patience prayer. My degree will be Doctor of Life and I will be in good company. So many of us earn our Doctor of Life degrees.
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Mary Maina quote #376 from The Proverbs 31 Lady: Unveiling Her Secrets Before Saying I Do

It is Jesus that The Proverbs 31 Lady seeks when she dreams of happiness He is waiting for her when nothing else she finds satisfies her He is the beauty to which she is so attracted to it is He who provoked her with that thirst for fullness that will not let her settle for compromise it is He who urges her to shed the masks of a false life it is He who reads in her heart her most genuine choices the choices that others try to suppress.Do you desire to be that Lady of God God desires a relationship with you. Hes made this relationship possible by sending His Son. That inner void is filled through a relationship with the Lord. The place to start to fulfill the longing in your heart is to trust in the Lord for His salvation and allow the Holy Spirit to work within you to satisfy your thirst. As we go together to the well that never runs dry I know the savior of our soul will meet us there. We will drink from the water of life He gives the water that quenches our thirsty souls.
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Christopher Hawke quote #176 from Unnatural Truth

I once held a belief that life made sense that working toward a dream would birth substance. Nothing else mattered. I soon discovered that success is as long-lasting as any of lifes novelties. Weve all been happy with new things only to be disappointed later. Dolls and soldiers our parents toiled to give us found their way to pedestals then to the back of closets. Id always dreamed of marrying a woman I loved and watching my children grow. I wonder if our lives should be filled with the pursuit of such dreams those magical hopes interwoven into our story. Our stories are decorative shells for the crabs we really are both protecting and exposing us to the manic outside.
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Israelmore Ayivor quote #167 from The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Young man the fact that she did not accept your proposal for a relationship does not define why you should hate her. She may not become your BRIDE but she can be the BRIDGE you have to cross to the other side with your dreams
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Shannon L. Alder famous quote #93

When you settle for anything short of the best life God wants to offer you then you have been tempted to remain safe and the accountability for not changing your life becomes your prison of regret.
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