Famous Quotes about purpose

Umberto Eco quote #114 from The Name of the Rose

What is love There is nothing in the world neither man nor Devil nor any thing that I hold as suspect as love for it penetrates the soul more than any other thing. Nothing exists that so fills and binds the heart as love does. Therefore unless you have those weapons that subdue it the soul plunges through love into an immense abyss.
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Melissa de la Cruz quote #44 from Revelations

Even if they end up together which I highly doubt given the strength of that particular bond-...-but even if Schuyler still loves him or thinks she does it doesnt matter. Because Jack is going to leave her one day. i know he will. Hes too much for Schuyler. Theyre wrong for each other. Anyone can see that. And when he leaves her Ill be there. However long it takes Ill still be there for her. Waiting.
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Nora Roberts quote #394 from Black Hills

Do you know how many ways love can hit you So it makes you happy or miserable It makes you sick in the belly or hurt in the heart. It makes everything brighter and sharper or it blurs all the edges. It makes you feel like a king or a fool. Every way love can hit you its hit me when it comes to you
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Craig Ferguson quote #312 from Between the Bridge and the River

The Universe is very very big.It also loves a paradox. For example it has some extremely strict rules.Rule number one Nothing lasts forever.Not you or your family or your house or your planet or the sun. It is an absolute rule. Therefore when someone says that their love will never die it means that their love is not real for everything that is real dies. Rule number two Everything lasts forever.
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