Famous Quotes about self-confidence

Maggie Stiefvater quote #242 from The Raven Boys

When she opened her eyes she was both in her body and watching it nowhere near the cavity of the tree. The Blue that was before her stood inches from a boy in an Aglionby sweater. There was a slight stoop to his posture and his shoulders were spattered darkly with rain. It was his fingers that Blue felt on her face. He touched her cheek with the backs of his fingers. Tears coursed down the other Blues face. Though some strange magic Blue could feel them on her face as well. She could feel too sick rising misery shed felt in the churchyard the grief that felt bigger than her. The other Blues tears seemed endless. One drop slid after another each following an identical path down her cheeks.The boy in the Aglionby sweater leaned his forehead against Blues. She felt the pressure of his skin against hers and suddenly she could smell mint. Itll be okay. Gansey told the other Blue. She could tell that he was afraid. Itll be okay.Impossibly Blue realized that this other Blue was crying because she loved Gansey. And that the reason Gansey touched her like that his fingers so careful with her was because he knew that her kiss could kill him. She could feel how badly the other Blue wanted to kiss him even as she dreaded it. Though she couldnt understand why her real present day memories in the tree cavity were clouded with other false memories of their lips nearly touching a life this other Blue had already lived.Okay Im ready- Ganseys voice caught just a little. Blue kiss me.
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C. JoyBell C. famous quote #421

Maybe we shouldnt be looking for love. Maybe we should be looking for a person. Because maybe you can find love in a person but not have that person. So if you look for love what you will find is love. But if you want to belong to someone and you want someone to belong to you you should look for a person.
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Richelle Mead quote #385 from The Indigo Spell

You know he said under normal circumstances you inviting me to the bedroom would be the highlight of my day.I crossed my arms and sat on the bed. I did so out of simple fatigue but a moment later I was struck by what I was doing. This is where Adrian sleeps. Im touching the covers hes wrapped in every night. What does he wear Does he wear anythingI jumped up.
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