Famous Quotes about sleeping

Derek Walcott quote #373 from Collected Poems

Love After LoveThe time will come when with elation you will greet yourself arriving at your own door in your own mirror and each will smile at the others welcome and say sit here. Eat. You will love again the stranger who was your self.Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heart to itself to the stranger who has loved you all your life whom you ignored for another who knows you by heart. Take down the love letters from the bookshelf the photographs the desperate notes peel your own image from the mirror. Sit. Feast on your life.
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Tere Liye quote #199 from Hafalan Shalat Delisa

Ya Rabb Engkaulah alasan semua kehidupan ini. Engkaulah penjelasan atas semua kehidupan ini. Perasaan itu datang dariMu. Semua perasaan itu juga akan kembali kepadaMu. Kami hanya menerima titipan. Dan semua itu ada sungguh karenaMu...Katakanlah wahai semua pencinta di dunia. Katakanlah ikrar cinta itu hanya karenaNya. Katakanlah semua kehidupan itu hanya karena Allah. Katakanlah semua getar-rasa itu hanya karena Allah. Dan semoga Allah yang Maha Mencinta yang Menciptakan dunia dengan kasih-sayang mengajarkan kita tentang cinta sejati. Semoga Allah memberikan kesempatan kepada kita untuk merasakan hakikatNya.Semoga Allah sungguh memberikan kesempatan kepada kita untuk memandang wajahNya. Wajah yang akan membuat semua cinta dunia layu bagai kecambah yang tidak pernah tumbuh. Layu bagai api yang tak pernah panas membakar. Layu bagai sebongkah es yang tidak membeku.
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Richelle Mead quote #414 from Frostbite

You act young he said because you are young. But you know things Roza. Things people older than you dont even know. That day.... I knew instantly which day he referred to. The one up against the wall. You were right about how I fight to stay in control. No one else has ever figured that out- and it scared me. You scare me.Why Dont you want anyone to knowHe shrugged. Whether they know that fact or not doesnt matter. What matters is that someone- that you- know me that well. When a person can see into your soul its hard. It forces you to be open. Vulnerable. Its much easier being with someone whos just more of a casual friend.Like Tasha.Tasha Ozera is an amazing woman. Shes beautiful and shes brave. But she doesnt-She doesnt get you I finished.He nodded. I knew that. But I still wanted the relationship. I knew it would be easy and that she could take me away from you. I thought she could make me forget you.Id thought the same thing about Mason. But she couldnt.Yes. And so.....thats a problem.
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