Famous Quotes about sleeping

Rob Bell quote #307 from Sex God: Exploring the Endless Connections Between Sexuality and Spirituality

Love is giving up control. Its surrendering the desire to control the other person. The twolove and controlling power over the other personare mutually exclusive. If we are serious about loving someone we have to surrender all the desires within us to manipulate the relationship.
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Cathleen Schine quote #263 from The Love Letter

Dear GoatHow does one fall in love Do you trip Do you stumble lose your balance and drop to the sidewalk graze your knee graze your heart Do you crash to the stony ground Is there a precipice from which you float over the edge foreverI know Im in love when I see you I know when I long to see you. Not a muscle has moved. Leaves hang unruffled by any breeze. The air is still. I have fallen in love without taking step. When did this happen I havent even blinked.Im on fire. Is that too banal for you Its not you know. Youll see. Its what happens. Its what matters. Im on fire.I no longer eat I forget to eat. Food looks silly to me irrelevant. If I even notice it. But I notice nothing. My thoughts are full and raging a house full of brothers related by blood feuding blood feudsIm in love.Typically stupid choice.I am though Im racked by love as if love were pain.Go ahead. Fuck up your life. Its all wrong and you know it. Wake up. Face it.Theres only one face its all I see awake or asleep.I threw the book out the window last night. I tried to forget. You are all wrong for me I know it but I no longer care for my thoughts unless theyre thoughts of you. When Im close to you in your presence I feel your hair brush my cheek when it does not. I look away from you sometimes. Then I look back.When I tie my shoes when I peel an orange when I drive my car when I lie down each night without you I remainAs everRam
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Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez quote #63 from Love in the Time of Cholera

With her Florentino Ariza learned what he had already experienced many times without realizing it that one can be in love with several people at the same time feel the same sorrow with each and not betray any of them. Alone in the midst of the crowd on the pier he said to himself in a flash of anger My heart has more rooms than a whorehouse.
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Stephen R. Covey quote #294 from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change

My wife and I just dont have the same feelings for each other we used to have. I guess I just dont love her anymore and she doesnt love me. What can i doThe feeling isnt there anymore I asked.Thats right he reaffirmed. And we have three children were really concerned about. What do you suggestlove her I replied.I told you the feeling just isnt there anymore.Love her.You dont understand. the feeling of love just isnt there.Then love her. If the feeling isnt there thats a good reason to love her.But how do you love when you dont love My friend love is a verb. Love - the feeling - is a fruit of love the verb. So love her. Serve her. Sacrifice. Listen to her. Empathize. Appreciate. Affirm her. Are you willing to do that
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