Famous Quotes about tom-robbins

Tom Robbins quote #78 from Still Life with Woodpecker

Albert Camus wrote that the only serious question is whether to kill yourself or not.Tom Robbins wrote that the only serious question is whether time has a beginning and an end.Camus clearly got up on the wrong side of bed and Robbins must have forgotten to set the alarm.There is only one serious question. And that is Who knows how to make love stayAnswer me that and I will tell you whether or not to kill yourself.
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Tom Robbins quote #290 from Still Life with Woodpecker

When two people meet and fall in love theres a sudden rush of magic. Magic is just naturally present then. We tend to feed on that gratuitous magic without striving to make any more. One day we wake up and find that the magic is gone. We hustle to get it back but by then its usually too late weve used it up. What we have to do is work like hell at making additional magic right from the start. Its hard work but if we can remember to do it we greatly improve our chances of making love stay.
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Tom Robbins quote #381 from Still Life with Woodpecker

Who knows how to make love stay1. Tell love you are going to Juniors Deli on Flatbush Avenue in Brooklyn to pick up a cheesecake and if loves stays it can have half. It will stay.2. Tell love you want a momento of it and obtain a lock of its hair. Burn the hair in a dime-store incense burner with yinyang symbols on three sides. Face southwest. Talk fast over the burning hair in a convincingly exotic language. Remove the ashes of the burnt hair and use them to paint a moustache on your face. Find love. Tell it you are someone new. It will stay.3. Wake love up in the middle of the night. Tell it the world is on fire. Dash to the bedroom window and pee out of it. Casually return to bed and assure love that everything is going to be all right. Fall asleep. Love will be there in the morning.
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Tom Robbins quote #276 from Still Life with Woodpecker

Love is the ultimate outlaw. It just wont adhere to any rules. The most any of us can do is to sign on as its accomplice. Instead of vowing to honor and obey maybe we should swear to aid and abet. That would mean that security is out of the question. The words make and stay become inappropriate. My love for you has no strings attached. I love you for free.
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Tom Robbins quote #125 from Jitterbug Perfume

It was wonderful Pris.What was honey The meeting The champagneThe eclipse said Ricki. It was probably the most real thing Ive ever seen but it was also like a dream. You know what I mean Real and unreal beautiful and strange like a dream. It got me high as a kite but it didnt last long enough. It ended too soon and left nothing behind.Thats how it is with dreams said Priscilla. Theyre the perfect crime.
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Tom Robbins quote #411 from Jitterbug Perfume

If desire causes suffering it may be because we do not desire wisely or that we are inexpert at obtaining what we desire. Instead of hiding our heads in a prayer cloth and building walls against temptation why not get better at fulfilling desire Salvation is for the feeble thats what I think. I dont want salvation I want life all of life the miserable as well as the superb. If the gods would tax ecstasy then I shall pay however I shall protest their taxes at each opportunity and if Woden or Shiva or Buddha or that Christian fellow--whats his name--cannot respect that then Ill accept their wrath. At least I will have tasted the banquet that they have spread before me on this rich round planet rather than recoiling from it like a toothless bunny. I cannot believe that the most delicious things were placed here merely to test us to tempt us to make it the more difficult for us to capture the grand prize the safety of the void. To fashion of life such a petty game is unworthy of both men and gods.
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Tom Robbins quote #84 from Jitterbug Perfume

Perhaps that is why desire causes men calamity. By identifying with our desires and taking them too seriously we not only increase our susceptibility to disappointment we actually create a climate inhospitable to the free and easy fulfillment of those desires.
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