Famous Quotes about student

Felix Bloch famous quote #149

I am sure my fellow-scientists will agree with me if I say that whatever we were able to achieve in our later years had its origin in the experiences of our youth and in the hopes and wishes which were formed before and during our time as students.
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Daniel Amory quote #42 from Minor Snobs

I dont think Ive ever referred to any girl I dated as my girlfriend. I think that would freak me out. Even the girl that I dated for two years in college I dont think I ever referred to her as my girlfriend.How would you introduce her I asked.Im just going to say her name he said.
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Daniel Amory quote #113 from Minor Snobs

Look girls know when theyre cute he said. You dont have to tell them. All they need to do is look in the mirror. I have one friend out in New York an attorney. She moved out there after the school year to take the bar. She doesnt have a job. I was like How are you going to get a job there in this market And shes like Ill wink and Ill smile. Shes a pretty girl. Whether that works despite her poor grades is yet to be seen.
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