Ilyas Kassam famous quote #295 |
Ilyas Kassam |
Imran Khan famous quote #193 |
Imran Khan |
Ingmar Bergman famous quotes #3 |
Ingmar Bergman |
Ingrid Bergman famous quote #165 |
Ingrid Bergman |
Initially NO quote #159 from Percipience: Outside the Range of Understood Sense |
Initially NO |
Innocent Mwatsikesimbe famous quote #194 |
Innocent Mwatsikesimbe |
Innocent Mwatsikesimbe famous quote #23 |
Innocent Mwatsikesimbe |
Innocent Mwatsikesimbe quote #170 from The Reason |
Innocent Mwatsikesimbe |
Ionel Teodoreanu quote #162 from Tudor Ceaur Alcaz |
Ionel Teodoreanu |
Irak.ibrahim hussain didi famous quote #150 |
Irak.ibrahim hussain didi |
Irene Cara famous quote #89 |
Irene Cara |
Irene Hannon quote #299 from Vanished |
Irene Hannon |
Irène Némirovsky quote #487 from Suite Française |
Irène Némirovsky |
Iris Murdoch quote #244 from Existentialists and Mystics Writings on Philosophy and Literature |
Iris Murdoch |
Isaac Hooke quote #151 from ATLAS |
Isaac Hooke |
Isaac Marion famous quote #13 |
Isaac Marion |
Isabel Lopez quote #15 from Isabel's Hand-Me-Down Dreams |
Isabel Lopez |
Isabel Lopez quote #45 from Isabel's Hand-Me-Down Dreams |
Isabel Allende quote #198 from Daughter of Fortune |
Isabel Allende |
Isabel Allende quote #375 from Of Love and Shadows |
Isabel Allende |
Isabel Allende quote #83 from Daughter of Fortune |
Isabel Allende |
Isabella Poretsis famous quote #153 |
Isabella Poretsis |
Isabella Poretsis famous quote #187 |
Isabella Poretsis |
Isaiah J. Lawrence famous quote #123 |
Isaiah J. Lawrence |
Isaiah Washington quote #90 from A Man from Another Land: How Finding My Roots Changed My Life |
Isaiah Washington |
Ishwar Jha famous quote #28 |
Ishwar Jha |
Israelmore Ayivor famous quote #102 |
Israelmore Ayivor |
Israelmore Ayivor famous quote #110 |
Israelmore Ayivor |
Israelmore Ayivor famous quote #117 |
Israelmore Ayivor |
Israelmore Ayivor famous quote #125 |
Israelmore Ayivor |
Israelmore Ayivor famous quote #126 |
Israelmore Ayivor |
Israelmore Ayivor famous quote #13 |
Israelmore Ayivor |
Israelmore Ayivor famous quote #13 |
Israelmore Ayivor |
Israelmore Ayivor famous quote #131 |
Israelmore Ayivor |
Israelmore Ayivor famous quote #14 |
Israelmore Ayivor |
Israelmore Ayivor famous quote #143 |
Israelmore Ayivor |