Famous Quotes about compromise

Cora Carmack quote #62 from Keeping Her

If we did have a child and he came to you with something like this would you tell him to take the money to take the job that didnt mean anything Why am I even asking I know what youd say. Youd tell him to do the thing he loved the thing that made him feel more alive. Lifes too short to waste time living it any other way.
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Israelmore Ayivor famous quote #13

You were not created to come to this earth and say me too I came to live some. You were create to make a difference
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Nikos Kazantzakis quote #408 from Saint Francis

I felt sorry for the inhabitants and went into the forest to admonish the wolf in Gods name not to eat any more sheep. I called him he cameand do you know what his answer was Francis Francis he said do not destroy Gods prescribed order. The sheep feeds on grass the wolf on sheepthats the way God ordained it. Do not ask why simply obey Gods will and leave me free to enter the sheepfolds whenever I feel the pinch of hunger. I say my prayers just like Your Holiness. I say Our Father who reignest in the forests and hast commanded me to eat meat Thy will be done. Give me this day my daily sheep so that my stomach may be filled and I shall glorify Thy name. Great art Thou Lord who hast created mutton so delicious. And when the day cometh that I shall die Grant Lord that I may be resurrected and that with me may be resurrected all the sheep I have eatenso that I may eat them again That Brother Leo is what the wolf answered me.
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Nick Miller quote #186 from Isn't It Pretty To Think So?

Id begun to grow weary of my constant daydreaming because as I retreated more often into fantasy it had become a reminder of my growing discontent with real life. And my thoughts after very little sleep seemed to float even further into the realm of the superfluous.
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Aberjhani quote #134 from Illuminated Corners: Collected Essays and Articles Volume I.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.s dream was a manifestation of hope that humanity might one day get out of its own way by finding the courage to realize that love and nonviolence are not indicators of weakness but gifts of significant strength.
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