Famous Quotes about compromise

Jarod Kintz quote #98 from We Had A #Dream About You

I had a dream about you. The seasons changed but you did not. You were the same old person you always were only older. And I was the same old person I always was only younger. Yes Id discovered the Fountain of Youth and since we were such old friends I was going to let you have a swig for 10 off the suggested retail price.
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Michael Connelly quote #101 from The Brass Verdict

Los Angeles was the kind of place where everybody was from somewhere else and nobody really droppped anchor. It was a transient place. People drawn by the dream people running from the nightmare. Twelve million people and all of them ready to make a break for it if necessary. Figuratively literally metaphorically -- any way you want to look at it -- everbody in L.A. keeps a bag packed. Just in case.
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Jerome K. Jerome quote #17 from Three Men in a Boat

The day has been so full of fret and care and our hearts have been so full of evil and of bitter thoughts and the world has seemed so hard and wrong to us. Then Night like some great loving mother gently lays her hand upon our fevered head and turns our little tear-stained faces up to hers and smiles and though she does not speak we know what she would say and lay our hot flushed cheek against her bosom and the pain is gone.Sometimes our pain is very deep and real and we stand before her very silent because there is no language for our pain only a moan. Nights heart is full of pity for us she cannot ease our aching she takes our hand in hers and the little world grows very small and very far away beneath us and borne on her dark wings we pass for a moment into a mightier Presence than her own and in the wondrous light of that great Presence all human life lies like a book before us and we know that Pain and Sorrow are but angels of God.
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Eric Ludy famous quote #425

Dont pray that God would teach you how to love like He loves pray that He would fill you with Himself and that He would love in and through you. Dont pray that He would teach you to have joy pray that the living God full of joy would enter into you. Dont pray that He would teach you how to be peaceful ask for the God of peace the Prince of peace to infill you. Because if you try to imitate in your own strength you will be a miserable replica. But if you allow the impartation of Jesus Christ to overtake you suddenly it all works because it is Him imitating Himself and He is very good at being God.
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John Lennon quote #155 from Imagine

Imagine theres no countriesIt isnt hard to doNothing to kill or die forAnd no religion tooImagine all the peopleLiving life in peaceYou may say that Im a dreamerBut Im not the only oneI hope someday youll join usAnd the world will be as one
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