Famous Quotes about compromise

Álvaro Mutis quote #185 from Die Abenteuer und Irrfahrten des Gaviero Maqroll : die sieben Maqroll-Romane

Life always holds in store surprises that are more complex and unforeseeable than any dream and the secret is to let them come and not block them with castles in the air.
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Barbara Newhall Follett famous quote #57

My dreams are going through their death flurries. I thought they were all safely buried but sometimes they stir in their grave making my heartstrings twinge. I mean no particular dream you understand but the whole radiant flock of them togetherwith their rainbow wings iridescent bright soaring glorious sublime. They are dying before the steel javelins and arrows of a world of Time and Money.
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Robin S. Sharma quote #20 from The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari: A Fable About Fulfilling Your Dreams & Reaching Your Destiny

Push yourself to do more and to experience more. Harness your energy to start expanding your dreams. Yes expand your dreams. Dont accept a life of mediocrity when you hold such infinite potential within the fortress of your mind. Dare to tap into your greatness.
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