Do we not each dream of dreams Do we not dance on the notes of lostmemories Then are we not each dreamers of tomorrow and yesterday since dreamsplay when time is askew Are we not all adrift in the constant sea of trial and when all is done do we not all yearn for ships to carry us home
Pray silently with simplicity every day to stay cool and calm in mind composed and collected in heart courageous and connected to own soul to lay the way for a peaceful life.
Do not turn to prayer only in times of grief suffering and rage. Make prayer a habit whether you are blissful or sorrowful serene or upset clear or confused.
The greatest achievement was at first and for a time only a dream. Just as the oak sleeps in the acorn and the bird waits in the egg so dreams are the seedlings of realities.
God I want to give You every minute of this year. I shall try to keep You in mind every moment of my waking hours....I shall try to let You be the speaker and direct every word. I shall try to let You direct my acts. I shall try to learn Your language.
Prayer is a connection from your heart with a force that is powerful beyond measure loves unconditionally and impartially and embraces you whenever you turn to it.