Famous Quotes about confidence

Jennifer Michael Hecht quote #93 from Doubt: A History: The Great Doubters and Their Legacy of Innovation from Socrates and Jesus to Thomas Jefferson and Emily Dickinson

Prayer is based on the remote possibility that someone is actually listening but so is a lot of conversation. If the former seems far-fetcher consider the latter even if someone is listening to your story and really hearing that person will disappear from existence in the blink of a cosmic eye so why bother to tell this perhaps illusory and possibly un-listening person something he or she is unlikely to truly understand just before the two of you blip back out of existence We like to talk to people who answer us intelligently if possible but we do talk without needing response or expecting comprehension. Sometimes the event is the word the act of speaking. Once we pull that apart a bit the action of talking becomes more important than the question of whether the talking is working-because we know going in that the talking is not working. That said one might as well pray.
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Masaru Emoto quote #274 from Secret Life of Water

No one particular religion has been able to secure the exclusive rights for the power of prayer. No matter who you are we all have the ability to take advantage of this amazing and wonderful power. Once you realize this you will then be filled with the desire to help others realize this as well. More and more people are resonating with this understanding and this could result in a more wonderful future for mankind. 165
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Barbara Kingsolver famous quote #258

So you make this deal with the gods. You do these dances and theyll send rain and good crops and the whole works And nothing bad will ever happen. Right. Prayer had always struck me as more or less a glorified attempt at a business transaction. A rain dance even more so.I thought I might finally have offended Loyd past the point of no return like stealing the lobster from frozen foods that time to get myself fired. But Loyd was just thinking. After a minute he said No its not like that. Its not making a deal bad things can still happen but you want to try not to cause them to happen. It has to do with keeping things in balance.In balance.Really its like the spirits have made a deal with us.And what is the deal I asked.Were on our own. The spirits have been good enough to let us live here and use the utilities and were saying We know how nice youre being. We appreciate the rain we appreciate the sun we appreciate the deer we took. Sorry if we messed up anything. Youve gone to a lot of trouble and well try to be good guests.Like a note youd send somebody after you stayed in their houseExactly like that. Thanks for letting me sleep on your couch. I took some beer out of the refrigerator and I broke a coffee cup. Sorry I hope it wasnt your favorite one.
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