Famous Quotes about confidence

Mandy Hale quote #133 from The Single Woman: Life

Hope for love pray for love wish for love dream for lovebut dont put your life on hold waiting for love.
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Kimberly Derting quote #119 from The Body Finder

He loved her.Jay Heaton her best friend since childhood was in love with her. He didnt say it but she knew that it was true.And the part that really freaked her out the part that caught her completely off guard is that he wasnt alone. Because even though shed been denying it for a long long time it had always been there... waiting beneath the surface of their friendship. And now that it was out there was no going back. And it was so weird to even be thinking it but...... she was in love with him too.
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Christina Rossetti quote #484 from Goblin Market and Other Poems

For there is no friend like a sisterIn calm or stormy weather To cheer one on the tedious way To fetch one if one goes astrayTo lift one if one totters down To strengthen whilst one stands
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