Faith is the muscle of the spirit. It is strengthened through study prayer and meditation. As exercise builds muscle and our bodies become strong study prayer and meditation builds faith and our spirits become strong.
It occurred to him to say the viddui the prayer before death. He struggled to remember it. Blessed are You who has bestowed me with many blessings. May my death atone for all I have done . . . and may I shelter in the shadow of Your wings in the World to Come.
As the genuine religious impulse becomes dominant adoration more and more takes charge. I come to seek God because I need Him may be an adequate formula for prayer. I come to adore His splendour and fling myself and all that I have at His feet is the only possible formula for worship.
Through prayer religion insists things which cannot be realized in any other manner come about energy which but for prayer would be bound is by prayer set free and operates in some part be it objective or subjective of the world of facts.