Famous Quotes about life

Steve Maraboli quote #12 from Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

TAKE ACTION Wanting is not enough Act upon your goals If somebody was watching your day-to-day behavior would they be able to see what youre working towards what your goals are If the answer is no FIX IT
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Steve Maraboli quote #103 from Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

This magical universe is so faithful in waiting for us to get out of our own way. No matter how long you have gone astray when you take action the universe moves to support the act. Move in the direction of your goals and watch the magic flow.
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Toni Sorenson famous quote #159

Unzip your life right now air out the putrid and bleach the infection then invite your childhood dreams back beckon the best of you and breathe deeper than you have in a very long time. Believe in the holdings of your heart. You can become anyone and anything your heart desires once you clear the clutter and stuff yourself with positive power and intentions.
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Eric Ludy quote #436 from Wrestling Prayer

The power of God has not in the least bit been diminished over the past 2000 years. Our Lord still sits on His great throne and His train still fills the temple. He still walks on the wings of the wind He still rides on the backs of the mighty cherubim and He still is the Triumphant Champion from Calvary. All hell still bends to His will and sin and death have lost their hold on all who rest in the shadow of His presence. And the God who calmed storms raised up dead men to life and multiplied fishes and loaves to feed thousands is the same God we have today.
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Eiry Nieves famous quote #48

At the end of the day when the sun falls a willing prisoner of the night...and humans males and females alike become submitted to the mistress of the dark my mind begins to wander and wonder. Looking upwards at a blank slate of concrete the psyque expresses freely what my subconscious is afraid to give free rein. And there and then between the play of reality and dreamland I find my place. I find myself.
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