Famous Quotes about life

Nancy Alcorn quote #375 from Mercy Moves Mountains: Heart-Gripping Stories of God's Extraordinary Mercy and Grace to Troubled Young Girls

Stay in church stay in prayer stay in the Word and stay in fellowship with other believers.
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John MacArthur quote #243 from Our Awesome God

Centering our thoughts on God begins with what I like to call discovery. That is when we discover a great truth about God we begin to meditate on that truth until it captivates our whole thinking process. That in turn will lead to worship.If worship is based on meditation and meditation is based on discovery what is discovery based on On time spent with God in prayer and the Word. It is sad that many view prayer primarily as a way to get things. We have lost sight of the companion aspect of prayer - of being still and aware of Gods wonderful presence and just communing with Him there.
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S.D. Gordon famous quote #330

There are always lone hearth-fires so many And those who sit beside them with the empty chair cannot restrain the tears that will come. One sits alone so much. There is some One unseen just here within reach. But somehow we dont realize His presence. Realizing is blessed but--rare. It belongs to the mood to the feelings. It is dependent on weather conditions and bodily conditions. The rain the heavy fog outside the poor sleep the twinging pain these make ones mood so much they seem to blur out the realizing.But there is something a little higher up than realizing. It is yet more blessed. It is independent of these outer conditions it is something that abides. It is this recognizing that Presence unseen so wondrous and quieting so soothing and calming and warming. Recognize His presence--the Masters own. He is here close by His presence is real. Recognizing will help realizing too but it never depends on it.Aye more immensely more the Truth is a Presence not a thing a fact a statement. Some One is present a warm-hearted Friend an all-powerful Lord. And this is the joyful truth for weeping hearts everywhere whatever be the hand that has drawn the tears by whatever stream it be that your weeping willow is planted.
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Hans Urs von Balthasar quote #43 from Prayer

The person who prays and who wants to gain a deeper understanding of the word he desires to worship in order to be more single-mindedly at the words disposal will select with great care basic works for his studies which will observe the so-called exactitude of scholarship without losing sight of the most important exactitude namely the ordering of all thought toward prayer.
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