Famous Quotes about life

Margaret D. McGee famous quote #425

I prayed to a mystery.Sometimes I was simply aware of the mystery. I saw a flash of it during a trip to New York that David and I took before we were married. We were walking on a busy sidewalk in Manhattan. I dont remember if it was day or night. A man with a wound on his forehead came toward us. His damp ragged hair might have been clotted with blood or maybe it was only dirt. He wore deeply dirty clothes. His red swollen hands cupped in half-fists swung loosely at his sides. His eyes were focused somewhere past my right shoulder. He staggered while he walked. The sidewalk traffic flowed around him and with him. He was strange and frightening and at the same time he belonged on the Manhattan sidewalk as much as any of us. It was that paradox -- that he could be both alien and resident both brutalized and human that he could stand out in the moving mass of people like a sea monster in a school of tuna and at the same time be as much at home as any of us -- that stayed with me. I never saw him again but I remember him often and when I do I am aware of the mystery.Years later I was out on our property on the Olympic Peninsula cutting a path through the woods. This was before our house was built. After chopping through dense salal and hacking off ironwood bushes for an hour or so I stopped exhausted. I found myself standing motionless intensely aware of all of the life around me the breathing moss the chattering birds the living earth. I was as much a part of the woods as any millipede or cedar tree. At that moment too I was aware of the mystery.Sometimes I wanted to speak to this mystery directly. Out of habit I began with Dear God and ended with Amen. But I thought to myself Im not praying to that old man in the sky. Rather Im praying to this thing I cant define. It was sort of like talking into a foggy valley.Praying into a bank of fog requires alot of effort. I wanted an image to focus on when I prayed. I wanted something to pray to. but I couldnt go back to that old man. He was too closely associated with all Id left behind.
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Brittany Williams quote #119 from We Had A #Dream About You

I had a dream about you you were at your old house walking around. When I asked what you were doing you explained to me that you were planning out your heaven this was the happiest you had ever been and when you passed you where going to come back here. I woke up thinking how beautiful that was and I was filled with hope
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Thomas Merton quote #212 from No Man Is an Island

The whole function of the life of prayer is then to enlighten and strengthen our conscience so that it not only knows and perceives the outward written precepts of the moral and divine laws but above all lives Gods law in concrete reality by perfect and continual union with His will.
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Fernando Pessoa quote #121 from The Book of Disquiet

Perhaps he still hopes. If theres any justice in the Gods injustice then may they let us keep our dreams even when theyre impossible and may our dreams be happy even when theyre trivial....Every dream is the same dream for theyre all dreams. Let the Gods change my dreams but not my gift for dreaming.
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Erica Cameron quote #151 from Sing Sweet Nightingale

Near my feet is a glowing archway. The light is white and shimmery like iridescent glitter and its so tall the top nearly brushes the ceiling. Inside instead of seeing the cement wall of the basement Im looking at evenly spaced wooden pillars and a reed-mat floor. Standing on that mat is a woman with curves that would make a Playboy model jealous. Shes wearing a long butter yellow dress and her white hair hangs down to her waist. She looks like an angel when she smiles at me holding out her hands.Hudson come with me. Her voice reminds me of the breeze rustling through the trees near the lake. Soft and subtle and calming. Let me help you.Did I die Maybe the scratch on my side got infected. Maybe Ive been slowly bleeding to death from internal injuries for the past week. Who knows If this is death if shes whats waiting for me on the other side then fuck it. Im letting go.
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Jacques Philippe quote #452 from Searching for and Maintaining Peace: A Small Treatise on Peace of Heart

In order to resist fear and discouragement it is necessary that through prayer - through a personal experience of God re-encountered recognized and loved in prayer - we taste and see how good the Lord is Psalm 34.
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