It is good to love many things for therein lies the true strength and whosoever loves much performs much and can accomplish much and what is done in love is well done.
If you stay Ill do whatever you want. Ill quit the band go with you to New York. But if you need me to go away Ill do that too. I was talking to Liz and she said maybe coming back to your old life would be too painful that maybe itd be easier for you to erase us. And that would suck but Id do it. I can lose you like that if I dont lose you today. Ill let you go. If you stay.
I could not tell you if I loved you the first moment I saw you or if it was the second or third or fourth. But I remember the first moment I looked at you walking toward me and realized that somehow the rest of the world seemed to vanish when I was with you.
They say when you are missing someone that they are probably feeling the same but I dont think its possible for you to miss me as much as Im missing you right now