Love.Because of you in gardens of blossomingFlowers I ache from the perfumes of spring.I have forgotten your face I no longerRemember your hands how did your lipsFeel on mineBecause of you I love the white statuesDrowsing in the parks the white statues thatHave neither voice nor sight.I have forgotten your voice your happy voiceI have forgotten your eyes.Like a flower to its perfume I am bound toMy vague memory of you. I live with painThat is like a wound if you touch me you willMake to me an irreperable harm.Your caresses enfold me like climbingVines on melancholy walls.I have forgotten your love yet I seem toGlimpse you in every window.Because of you the heady perfumes ofSummer pain me because of you I againSeek out the signs that precipitate desiresShooting stars falling objects.