Famous Quotes about reality

Steven Redhead quote #86 from The Solution

Each of us has immense potential to achieve what we desire unless you enliven and enlighten your life with inspiration bring your dreams into reality through the power of desire you will never shine as bright as your potential.
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Joss Stirling quote #29 from Stealing Phoenix

I shook my head folding my arms around my waist. He was wrong he was the one offering fairy dust Peter Pan offering to carry me off to the Neverland of soulfinders and happily ever after. But he was too late. Last night i had to grew up and I now knew that such dreams did not exist real life was more like living with Captain Hooks mercenary pirates than playing happy families in a treehouse
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Steve Maraboli quote #102 from Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

Dont let other peoples opinions distort your reality. Be true to yourself. Be bold in pursuing your dreams. Be unapologetically you
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Zhuangzi quote #22 from The Inner Chapters

Once upon a time I Chuang Tzu dreamt that i was a butterfly. flitting around and enjoying myself. I had no idea I was Chuang Tzu. Then suddenly I woke up and was Chuang Tzu again. But I could not tell had I been Chuang Tzu dreaming I was a butterfly or a butterfly dreaming I was now Chuang Tzu However there must be some sort of difference between Chuang Tzu and a butterfly
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