Famous Quotes about self-confidence

Virginia Smith quote #279 from Stuck in the Middle (Sister-to-Sister Book #1): A Novel

Dear Heavenly Father thank you for new friends and for this evening of fellowship. We ask that you guide our conversations and that theyll be pleasing to you. We thank you for this food and ask your blessing on it and on the hands that prepared it. In Jesus name Amen
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Helene Wecker quote #259 from The Golem and the Jinni

It occurred to him to say the viddui the prayer before death. He struggled to remember it. Blessed are You who has bestowed me with many blessings. May my death atone for all I have done . . . and may I shelter in the shadow of Your wings in the World to Come.
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Nathan Reese Maher famous quote #49

History doesnt start with a tall buildingand a card with your name written on it but jokes do. I think someone is takingus for suckers and is playing a mean game.
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