Famous Quotes about sleeping

Sigmund Freud quote #35 from The Interpretation of Dreams

The dream has a very striking way of dealing with the category of opposites and contradictions. This is simply disregarded. To the dream No does not seem to exist. In particular it prefers to draw opposites together into a unity or to represent them as one. Indeed it also takes the liberty of representing some random element by its wished-for opposite so that at first one cannot tell which of the possible poles is meant positively or negatively in the dream-thoughts.
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Steve Maraboli quote #12 from Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

TAKE ACTION Wanting is not enough Act upon your goals If somebody was watching your day-to-day behavior would they be able to see what youre working towards what your goals are If the answer is no FIX IT
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Israelmore Ayivor famous quote #86

Me I am very busy now. Can you please excuse me for few minutesShe Oh ok. But why are you sweating all over your bodyMe I am very busy that is why. I am dreaming extra-large dreams.
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Eric Ludy quote #436 from Wrestling Prayer

The power of God has not in the least bit been diminished over the past 2000 years. Our Lord still sits on His great throne and His train still fills the temple. He still walks on the wings of the wind He still rides on the backs of the mighty cherubim and He still is the Triumphant Champion from Calvary. All hell still bends to His will and sin and death have lost their hold on all who rest in the shadow of His presence. And the God who calmed storms raised up dead men to life and multiplied fishes and loaves to feed thousands is the same God we have today.
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Tasha Hoggatt famous quote #148

10.Never allow your imagination to stop. It was the imagination of great people that brought us the internet the pyramids cars airplanes boats great novels beautiful painting classical songs great movies water irrigation solar panels the statue of liberty the wall of china and so forth. Never under estimate your imagination.
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