Famous Quotes about sleeping

Aberjhani quote #61 from Journey through the Power of the Rainbow: Quotations from a Life Made Out of Poetry

What is this slow blue dream of living and this fevered death by dreaming
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Boris Pasternak quote #160 from Doctor Zhivago

About dreams. It is usually taken for granted that you dream of something that has made a particularly strong impression on you during the day but it seems to me its just the contrary. Often its something you paid no attention to at the time -- a vague thought that you didnt bother to think out to the end words spoken without feeling and which passed unnoticed -- these are the things that return at night clothed in flesh and blood and they become the subjects of dreams as if to make up for having been ignored during waking hours.
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Jarod Kintz quote #43 from I Had a Dream About You

I had a dream about you where you were an economic hero. So is the real life you like the dream you Answer this question If Paul Krugman and Ben Bernanke were about to die and they only had 59 seconds left and you could only save one would you take a minute to think it over
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