Famous Quotes about sleeping

Leonard Cohen quote #446 from Stranger Music: Selected Poems and Songs

And Ill dance with you in ViennaIll be wearing a rivers disguise.The hyacinth wild on my shouldermy mouth on the dew of your thighs.And Ill bury my soul in a scrapbookwith the photographs there and the moss.And Ill yield to the flood of your beautymy cheap violin and my cross.
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Cassandra Clare quote #114 from Clockwork Princess

I thought perhaps that when you told me you did not love me that my own feelings would fall away and atrophy but they have not. They have grown every day. I love you now more desperately this moment than I have ever loved you before and in an hour I will love you more than that
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Dante Alighieri quote #363 from Inferno: A New Verse Translation

Amor chal cor gentile ratto sapprendeprese costui de la bella personache mi fu tolta e l modo ancor moffende.Amor che a nullo amato amar perdonaMi prese del costui piacer s forteChe come vedi ancor non mabbandona...Love which quickly arrests the gentle heartSeized him with my beautiful formThat was taken from me in a manner which still grieves me.Love which pardons no beloved from lovingtook me so strongly with delight in himThat as you see it still abandons me not...
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