Famous Quotes about virtue

Fyodor Dostoyevsky quote #443 from The Brothers Karamazov

Repeat to yourself every day and as often as you can O Lord have mercy on all those who will appear before You today. For every hour every second thousands of men leave this world and their souls appear before the Lord and no one knows how many of them leave this earth in isolation sadness and anguish with no one to take pity on them or even care whether they live or die. And so your prayer for such a man will rise to the Lord from the other end of the earth although he may never have heard of you or you of him. But his soul as it stands trembling before the Lord will be cheered and gladdened to learn that there is someone on earth who loves him. And the Lords mercy will be even greater to both of you for however great your pity for the man Gods pity will be much greater for He is infinitely more merciful and more loving than you are.
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Louis Zamperini quote #128 from Devil at My Heels: A Heroic Olympian's Astonishing Story of Survival as a Japanese POW in World War II

On surviving on the raft for 47 days We had truly made it on a wing and prayer.
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Sharon Creech quote #111 from The Great Unexpected

Mrs. Mudkin closed her eyes. We should pray.I aint praying Crazy Cora said. Mrs. Mudkin said Lord please bless---I aint praying.--this land and the people who--I aint praying.--have toiled on this earth--Stop that praying.I can pray if I want to.Then be quiet about it.
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Victor Hugo quote #321 from Les Misérables

What was more needed by this old man who divided the leisure hours of his life where he had so little leisure between gardening in the daytime and contemplation at night Was not this narrow enclosure with the sky for a background enough to enable him to adore God in his most beautiful as well as in his most sublime works Indeed is not that all and what more can be desired A little garden to walk and immensity to reflect upon. At his feet something to cultivate and gather above his head something to study and meditate upon a few flowers on the earth and all the stars in the sky.
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E.M. Bounds quote #247 from Power Through Prayer

Long discursive dry and inane are the prayers in many pulpits. Without unction or heart they fall like a killing frost on all the graces of worship. Death-dealing prayers they are. Every vestige of devotion has perished under their breath. The deader they are the longer they grow.
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