Famous Quotes about virtue

James Patterson quote #330 from Fang

The fight unfolded like background noise. White noise. In the foreground even with his ghastly pale face looking dead in my hands my fingers clenching his ragged hair all I could see was random images of Fang not dead.Fang telling me stupid fart jokes from the dog crate next to mine at the school trying to make me laugh.Fang asleep at Jebs old house and me jumping wildly on his bed to wake him up. Him pretending to be asleep. Me laughing when I accidentally kicked him where it counts. Him dumping me off the bed.Fang gagging on my first attempt at cooking dinner after Jeb disappeared. Him spitting out the mac and cheese. Me dumping the rest of the bowl on him in response.Fang on the beach that first time he was badly injured. Me realizing how I felt about him.Fang kissing me. So close I couldnt even see his dark eyes anymore. The first time. The second time. The third.I could always remember each and every one of them. Would always remember them.Fang.Not.Dead.
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Craig M. Mullaney quote #464 from The Unforgiving Minute: A Soldier's Education

Long distance is hard. You have to trust that as you each change on your own your relationship will also change along with you. It takes hope good humor and idealism. It takes a massive dose of courage to protect the relationship at all odds. It is hard but worth it. Youll both be stronger as a result.
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Rachel Cohn quote #249 from Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist

We are the ones who take this thing called music and line it up with this thing called time. We are the ticking we are the pulsing we are underneath every part of this moment. And by making the moment our own we are rendering it timeless. There is no audience. There are no instruments. There are only bodies and thoughts and murmurs and looks. Its the concert rush to end all concert rushes because this is what matters. When the heart races this is what its racing towards.
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Jarod Kintz quote #479 from A Story That Talks about Talking Is Like Chatter to Chattering Teeth

Leave the cage open. If you love someone give them a chance to leave. You can always lock them up again should they return to you.
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