Famous Quotes from Nicole Krauss

Nicole Krauss quote #275 from The History of Love

15. WHENEVER I WENT OUT TO PLAY MY MOTHER WANTED TO KNOW EXACTLY WHERE I WAS GOING TO BEWhen Id come in shed call me into her bedroom take me in her arms and cover me with kisses. Shed stroke my hair and say I love you so much and when I sneezed shed say Bless you you know how much I love you dont you and when I got up for a tissue shed say Let me get that for you I love you so much and when I looked for a pen to do my homework shed say Use mine anything for you and when I had an itch on my leg shed say Is this the spot let me hug you and when I said I was going up to my room shed call after me What can I do for you I love you so much and I always wanted to say but never said Love me less.
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Nicole Krauss quote #157 from The History of Love

Once upon a time there was a boy. He lived in a village that no longer exists in a house that no longer exists on the edge of a field that no longer exists where everything was discovered and everything was possible. A stick could be a sword a pebble could be a diamond a tree a castle. Once upon a time there was a boy who lived in a house across the field from a girl who no longer exists. They made up a thousand games. She was queen and he was king. In the autumn light her hair shone like a crown. They collected the world in small handfuls and when the sky grew dark and they parted with leaves in their hair.Once upon a time there was a boy who loved a girl and her laughter was a question he wanted to spend his whole life answering.
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Nicole Krauss quote #451 from The History of Love

Maybe the first time you saw her you were ten. She was standing in the sun scratching her legs. Or tracing letters in the dirt with a stick. Her hair was being pulled. Or she was pulling someones hair. And a part of you was drawn to her and a part of you resisted--wanting to ride off on your bicycle kick a stone remain uncomplicated. In the same breath you felt the strength of a man and a self-pity that made you feel small and hurt. Part of you thought Please dont look at me. If you dont I can still turn away. And part of you thought Look at me.
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