Aleksandra Ninkovic famous quote #179

You went from my life right into my dreamsi can hardly tellIf im cursed or blessed I am sure things arent always as they seembut i drift awaymesmerized possessed.Memories i have uncertain and fragileIs what i have left and i have no peaceAt dawn fades awayall that i imaginei crave for your closenessi need more then this.Perhaps you are meant to guide and inspireto be ever timeless in the veil of mistflowing through my being in flaming desirethe one i cant reach and cannot resist.My darlinguniqueoutstanding perfectionso utterly complex you cant be recreatedI may be unworthy of your smallest fractionBut youve never lovednor anticipated.Every great passion is a work of fictionwhen we long for something that we cannot findSingle thought of you is like an addictionyetyoure not exaltedexcept in my mind.

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