Famous Quotes about alchemist

Nicole Bonomi famous quote #120

There are no perfect circumstances just circumstances that can become perfect because you choose to act upon a platform. Trusting that the first brush stroke is one closer to the finished painting. You can alter as you work. But you must take that first step regardless of how good the shoes are - that first step forward is one closer to the finish line that youre dreaming up.OR There is a set of circumstances viewed by the perfectionist as imperfect leading to hindrance. The shoes arent right for the race so they hesitate. Know this you are the alchemist. You have the capacity to turn any situation into your personal victory into gold if you choose. What do you want to sculpt Its clay its not meant to be perfect but your touch can turn it into a masterpiece.
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Paulo Coelho famous quote #73

memang begitulah hati manusia. Orang takut mengejar impian-impian mereka yang terpenting sebab mereka merasa mereka tidak berhak memperolehnya atau bahwa mereka tak mampu meraihnya. Kami hati mereka menjadi gentar hanya dengan berpikir tentang orang-orang tercinta yang akan pergi selamanya atau tentang saat-saat yang seharusnya baik tapi ternyata tidak atau tentang harta-harta yang mungkin mestinya sudah ditemukan tapi selamanya terkubur dalam tanah. Karena saat hal-hal ini terjadi kami sangat menderita.
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