Famous Quotes about brian-selznick

Brian Selznick quote #167 from Wonderstruck

He wished he was with his mom in her library where everything was safe and numbered and organized by the Dewey decimal system. Ben wished the world was organized by the Dewey decimal system. That way youd be able to find whatever you were looking for like the meaning of your dream or your dad.
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Brian Selznick quote #93 from The Invention of Hugo Cabret

The idea of going to the movies made Hugo remember something Father had once told him about going to the movies when he was just a boy when the movies were new. Hugos father had stepped into a dark room and on a white screen he had seen a rocket fly right into the eye of the man in the moon. Father said he had never experienced anything like it. It had been like seeing his dreams in the middle of the day.
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