Famous Quotes about enjoy

Janet Fitch quote #148 from White Oleander

Isnt it funny.Im enjoying my hatred so much more than i ever enjoyed love. Love is temperamental. Tiring. It makes demands. Love uses you changes its mind. But hatred now thats something you can use. Sculpt. Wield. Its hard or soft however you need it. Love humiliates you but Hatred cradles you.
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Israelmore Ayivor famous quote #153

The kind of soil in your area determines the type of crop you will plant to harvest The kind of potentials in you will decide the type of success you will celebrate.
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Israelmore Ayivor quote #49 from The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Naturally everyone is expected to enter the future only once but by the transport medium of dreams great people enjoy the future twice They pay a visit into the future by dreaming and they relocate to settle in it by their purposeful actions
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