Famous Quotes about franz-kafka

Franz Kafka famous quote #122

Who is it Who walks under the trees of the quay Who is quite lost Who is past saving Over whose grave does the grass grow Dreams have arrived upstream they came. They came they climb up the walls of the quay on a ladder. One stops makes conversation with them they know a number of things but what they dont know is where they come from. It is quite warm this autumn evening. They turn toward the river and raise their arms. Why do you raise your amrs instead of clasping us in them
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Jorge Luis Borges famous quote #82

The three of them knew it. She was Kafkas mistress. Kafka had dreamt her. The three of them knew it. He was Kafkas friend. Kafka had dreamt him. The three of them knew it. The woman said to the friend Tonight I want you to have me. The three of them knew it. The man replied If we sin Kafka will stop dreaming us. One of them knew it. There was no longer anyone on earth. Kafka said to himself Now the two of them have gone Im left alone. Ill stop dreaming myself.
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