Famous Quotes about hudson-vincent

Erica Cameron quote #135 from Sing Sweet Nightingale

In the last three months Ive started having creepy dreams that give me a glimpse of the future. Or sometimes a portal will open up in the middle of the night and something will try to kill me. Theres no way to know which one Im gonna get hit with each day. Its kinda like playing Russian roulette every night with a drunk who hates you.
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Erica Cameron quote #151 from Sing Sweet Nightingale

Near my feet is a glowing archway. The light is white and shimmery like iridescent glitter and its so tall the top nearly brushes the ceiling. Inside instead of seeing the cement wall of the basement Im looking at evenly spaced wooden pillars and a reed-mat floor. Standing on that mat is a woman with curves that would make a Playboy model jealous. Shes wearing a long butter yellow dress and her white hair hangs down to her waist. She looks like an angel when she smiles at me holding out her hands.Hudson come with me. Her voice reminds me of the breeze rustling through the trees near the lake. Soft and subtle and calming. Let me help you.Did I die Maybe the scratch on my side got infected. Maybe Ive been slowly bleeding to death from internal injuries for the past week. Who knows If this is death if shes whats waiting for me on the other side then fuck it. Im letting go.
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