Famous Quotes about lucid-dreams

Wayne Gerard Trotman quote #117 from Veterans of the Psychic Wars

Asleep you can experience many hours whilst only a few waking moments have passed. This is why dreams are an ideal platform for training.
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Zeena Schreck famous quote #57

The lucid dream located as it is at a crossroads between worlds and states of consciousness places the magician in a unique position to influence the delicate balance of consciousness and the interplay it has on matter in the waking state and is thus an opportunity to test ones ability in the art of adjusting the mutable fabric of Maya.
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Jenny Davidow quote #170 from Embracing Your Subconscious: Bringing All Parts of You into Creative Partnership

By embracing your subconscious you gain a different way of seeing and experiencingan expanded perception that opens a doorway not only to lucid dreams but also to the mythic dimension. As in lucid dreams you see yourself or others with new eyes your senses awaken and grasp an experience more fully than ever before suddenly you find your ears are open to hear with a deeper understanding.
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