Famous Quotes about mother

Israelmore Ayivor quote #63 from The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Hi Lady Hi Woman.. all that Naomi had all that Mary had all that Esther had all that Elizabeth had YOU ALSO HAVE... Go make your dreams come true
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Harley King quote #199 from Mother

If I woke up one morning and realized that all I ever was going to be was a business man Id probably die. All my dreams would be shattered. Early in life I had many dreams. I dreamed of being a great basketball star. I dreamed of being a preacher. I dreamed of saving the world from war and racism. And I dreamed of being a great poet. Today I dream only of writing.
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Julie Metz famous quote #34

How do we know were not people in a movie she asked.I looked at her not knowing how to reply.Mama ... how do we know that things are realGreat. Now we have a junior existentialist in the house.Well we dont know. We just have to hope that what we think is real is real.But how do we know she asked insistently.Ah a scientist who wants empirical evidence.We dont know. We just have to hope.Mama how do we know things arent a dream You know how sometimes life feels like a dream Do you ever feel that wayYes sweetie I feel that way all the time.
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