Famous Quotes about the-ocean-at-the-end-of-the-lane

Neil Gaiman quote #81 from The Ocean at the End of the Lane

I woke myself in the darkness and I knew only that a dream had scared me so badly that I had to wake up or die and yet try as I might I could not remember what I had dreamed. The dream was haunting me standing behind me present and yet invisible like the back of my head simultaneously there and not there.
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Neil Gaiman quote #68 from The Ocean at the End of the Lane

I have dreamed of that song of the strange words to that simple rhyme-song and on several occasions I have understood what she was saying in my dreams. In those dreams I spoke that language too the first language and I had dominion over the nature of all that was real. In my dream it was the tongue of what is and anything spoken in it becomes real because nothing said in that language can be a lie. It is the most basic building brick og everything. In my dreams I have used that language to heal the sick and to fly once I dreamed I kept a perfect little bed-and-breakfast by the seaside and to everyone who came to stay with me I would say in that tongue Be whole. and they would become whole not be broken people not any longer because I had spoken the language of shaping.
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