Famous Quotes about preparation

Israelmore Ayivor quote #53 from The Great Hand Book of Quotes

No matter how potent your talents are they remain to be out of use until you take time to develop them to their optimum level. This calls for preparation. Through preparation personal branding consistent exposure and productive connections you set up a condition for your dreams to flourish and bear fruits
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Israelmore Ayivor quote #127 from Shaping the dream

Every great building once begun as a building plan. That means sitting in that building plan on the table is a mighty structure not yet seen.It is the same with dreams.
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Israelmore Ayivor quote #50 from Shaping the dream

Every great building once begun as a building plan. That means sitting in that building plan on the table is a mighty structure not yet seen. It is the same with dreams.
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Israelmore Ayivor quote #183 from Shaping the dream

Be prepared before you set off to work on your dreams. Prior preparation is success divided by half. The more prepared you are the easier your success. Set off.
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Israelmore Ayivor quote #142 from Shaping the dream

Be positive with every idea surrounding your dreams. Think about the possibility of what you plan to do and approach it with an optimistic action. Stay positively.
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