Famous Quotes about priorities

C.S. Lewis famous quote #136

When the voice of your friend or the page of your book sinks into democratic equality with the pattern of the wallpaper the feel of your clothes your memory of last night and the noises from the road you are falling asleep. The highly selective consciousness enjoyed by fully alert men with all its builded sentiments and consecrated ideals has as much to be called real as the drowsy chaos and more.
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Swami Dhyan Giten quote #111 from Presence - Working from Within. The Psychology of Being

Life is really very simple. In each moment we have the opportunity to choose between saying yes or no to listen to our intuition to listen to our true inner voice the Existential voice within ourselves. When we say yes we have contact with Existence and we receive nourishment love joy support and inspiration. When we say no we create a separation from life and begin to create dreams and expectations of how it should be. We begin to live in the memories of the past and in the fantasies of the future as if any other time than here and now really could make us happy and satisfied.
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Cassandra Clare quote #97 from City of Ashes

But sleep didnt come. She could hear Jaces soft piano playing through the walls but that wasnt what was keeping her awake. She was thinking of Simon leaving for a house that no longer felt like home to him of the despair in Jaces voice as he said I want to hate you and of Magnus not telling Jace the truth that Alec did not want Jace to know about his relationship because he was still in love with him. She thought of the satisfaction it would have brought Magnus to say the words out loud to acknowledge what the truth was and the fact that he hadnt said them - had let Alec go on lying and pretending - because that was what Alec wanted and Magnus cared about Alec enough to give him that. Maybe it was true what the Seelie Queen had said after all Love made you a liar.
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Charlotte Brontë quote #54 from Jane Eyre

I used to rush into strange dreams at night dreams many-coloured agitated full of the ideal the stirring the stormy--dreams where amidst unusual scenes charged with adventure with agitating risk and romantic chance I still again and again met Mr. Rochester always at some exciting crisis and then the sense of being in his arms hearing his voice meeting his eye touching his hand and cheek loving him being loved by him--the hope of passing a lifetime at his side would be renewed with all its first force and fire. Then I awoke. Then I recalled where I was and how situated. Then I rose up on my curtainless bed trembling and quivering and then the still dark night witnessed the convulsion of despair and heard the burst of passion.
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